I love you more than shrek loves his swamp. When you find the love of your life your life completely changes.
I love you more than the morning star cause my life will be bright less without your love.
I love u more than life quotes. As the day passes and week becomes. I love you more than life itself quotes. Love is not just mare words its beyond our feelings.
I love you more today than i did yesterday but not as much as tomorrow and many days to come. Being usual is too mainstream lets be a unique person to say i love you. You become more happy and jovial.
Why not make it a little more interesting with i love you more than quotes and have some fun with your loved one. Here we have an exciting idea for you guys to express and confess your love for your partner in a funny way through i love you more than quotes. My love for you is eternal because i love you more than anything in the world.
Loving you mean more than loving myself to me cause without you there can never be me. There are a thousand reasons to be alive but the one that tops it up is that i love you more than anything you can think about on earth. When it happens however all you want to do is to be next to the person you cant live without and keep saying i love you more than.
I love you more than words can describe numbers can count and the constantly grown technology can discover. The sun can shine as long as it wants and the moon can stand still forever. I love you more than all people love getting paid.
Your heart is always filled with happiness knowing you have found him or her. I love you more than the richness and the good things of the world. I love you more than scrooge mcduck loves money.