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Enjoyed some of the most inspiring quotes about life because its easy to forget what an amazing gift life really is.

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Your future does not depend on the lines of your hands because people who do not have hands also have a future. Motivational quotes were initially written in sanskrit and then translated to hindi for further understanding. Keep discovering more motivational hindi quotes from the internet and implementing them so that you always stay positive and motivated no matter whatever happens in your life.
Hindi sayings in english. Good thought really very nice motivational quotes in hindi and english i like all quotes thanks. Chanakya neeti is one of the most famous and renowned book of quotes written by chanakya ages ago and is still practised by many in this era.
The best hindu quotes hindi. If you have love then your life exists mahatma gandhi love quotes in hindi language. So have a glance at these motivational quotes in hindi and enrich your wisdom.